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Monday, July 25, 2005

From the street fair in Norway, Maine

Our unplanned trip to Norway proved one of my favorite afternoons in Maine. I got a book, "Practicing History," by Barbara Tuchman, from the library book sale for a quarter (there was a half-off sale). I met the historian whose book I blogged earlier.

The thrift store was excellent.

Then I had a good sandwich, and then a funny discussion with the lady occupying the bathroom at the sandwich shop as I stood outside the door waiting. The bathroom walls did not reach all the way to the ceiling so it was easy for us to talk. She, the bathroom occupier, had suffered an unpleasant run-in with a previous waiting woman and was pleased by my patience. It was nice to run up karmic points simply by not shouting and rattling the doorknob.

I actually went past this elderly country band (check out the two seated members - when I this old am, I hope I this well play) inside the "Weary Club" and tried to figure out why it was called the Weary Club and who Mellie Dunham was and why there was a photo exhibit about him, but I was unsuccessful. However, I just found this web page which provides a clear explanation.

Then I met these two examples of Norway fauna.

Please note the sign above the heads of the loiterers below. They laughed in a properly cheerful and indifferent manner when I pointed it out to them. People in Maine have been disregarding foolish rules since the 17th century and show no signs of changing their ways.

This sign shows the proximity of Norway, Maine to other towns in Maine: Poland, Sweden, Denmark, Peru, Mexico, and China.


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