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Friday, December 29, 2006

Melina: New Years and News

Today is Melinama's birthday! Please wish her a very happy birthday. She is a great musician, a great mom, and a great blogger. Of course, she also has numerous other talents that range from home construction to teaching to papier-mache. Unlike many people in this world, Melinama has created many things that have never existed before, and she also helps other people create things that have never existed before. Kol haKavod!

The report from New York:

The best word I can thik of to describe New York this week is "redistributed." Most of the natives are on vacation or are staying home. To replace them, thousands of tourists have arrived. The tourists are chiefly concentrated on Broadway and Fifth Avenue. So Broadway and Fifth Avenue are jampacked - the street vendors have never done better - but most other places are near-empty.

Last night I bought a beautiful pair of chenille gloves from a street vendor for $5. Then I saw a great Italian movie called La Bella Vita with John and Emily at the MoMA. I got to go for free because Emily's employer has a "corporate relationship" with the MoMA. The movie was about a pair of newlyweds in a small, failing factory town in Italy. The women in this movie were very curvy and had gigantic hair. The menfolk thought these were truly delightful qualities and made dramatic scenes about how they were overcome by love. Everyone spoke very dramatically and swore a lot. Really it was excellent.



At 10:52 PM, Blogger kenju said...


At 10:03 AM, Blogger melinama said...

Thank you, friends, and thank you, my dear daughter. I will immediately make a sculpey figure in your honor.

At 11:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wishing you a very ~~~***HAPPY BIRTHDAY***~~~, dear Melinama....and many, many more. ~~~~~Your cyberfriend Susanlynn

At 1:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday Melinama!!! So sorry I missed the day but in my family we believe in extending birthdays out as long as possible. Hey, you are my first Happy Birthday of 2007!


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